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- TTI 光學斬波器
符合IEC60335-1、GB4706.1之22.3的試驗要求。通過將被測器具插腳按正常使用插入到一個不帶接地觸點的插座來確定其是否合格。在此插座插合面后8mm處,并在這些接觸套管所在的平面內(nèi)有一個水平樞軸。通過精度至少為0.1mm的位移傳感器A來確定此距離。插合面保持在垂直平面內(nèi),測試此處力矩,測試范圍0-1Nm,精度至少為0.01Nm。(保持插座本身在垂直平面上的力矩不包括在測試值內(nèi))能在插腳的縱線方向給每個插腳施加50N的拉力1min。能通過位移傳感器A測試插腳的位移。能對每個插腳在每個方向施加0.4Nm的扭矩,并能設置試驗時間,顯示實際施加的扭矩值,精度至少為0.01Nm。PTL Socket-Outlet Torque Balance
for measuring and testing the torque strain exerted by appliances with plug pins on socket-outlets
according to IEC 60065 :2005-12 § 15.4.1 Fig. 11,
IEC 60335-1 :2006-09 § 22.3,
IEC 60884-1 :2006-07 § 14.23.2,
IEC 60950-1 :2005-12 § 4.3.6,
VDE 0620-1 :2005-04 § 14.23.2.
Standard Outfit:
1 Bitmap testing socket-outlet replica "Euro", two-pole, according to CEE 7, without earth contacts and without protecting rim,
1 testing socket-outlet replica"Schuko", according to CEE 7 standard sheet III,
1 frame for the socket-outlet, pivoted around a horizontal axis through the centre lines of the contact tubes, pivot 8 mm behind the engagement face of the socket-outlet,
1 balance beam, with scale 0 to 0.30 m, rigidly connected with the frame for the socket-outlet,
1 sliding weight, 1 N, lockable, for torques from 0 Nm to 0.30 Nm,
1 counterweight, with screw for fine adjustment, for adjusting the balance beam
1 stop for the balance beam, adjustable and arrest able,
1 trestle with 2 ball bearings and with crossbeam, mounted on a base plate, base plate with adjustable feet and box spirit level.